Class AbstractOAWWorkflowJobBridge<T extends org.eclipse.xtend.expression.AbstractExpressionsUsingWorkflowComponent>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The class of the oAW job bridged by an specific instance of this class
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AbstractOAWWorkflowJobBridge<T extends org.eclipse.xtend.expression.AbstractExpressionsUsingWorkflowComponent>
    extends Object
    implements IJob
    This class allows the use of jobs of the openArchitectureWare workflow engine as part of the SDQ workflow engine.
    • Field Detail

      • oawJob

        protected T extends org.eclipse.xtend.expression.AbstractExpressionsUsingWorkflowComponent oawJob
        The oaw job.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractOAWWorkflowJobBridge

        public AbstractOAWWorkflowJobBridge​(T job)
        Constructor of the oAW bridge.
        job - The oAW job to wrap for execution in the Palladio workflow engine
      • AbstractOAWWorkflowJobBridge

        public AbstractOAWWorkflowJobBridge​(T job,
                                            HashMap<String,​Object> slotContents)
        Constructor of the oAW bridge.
        job - The oAW job to wrap for execution in the Palladio workflow engine
        slotContents - Contains models of the oAW workflow engine's blackboard, i.e., models to be transformed by the encapsulated oAW job
    • Method Detail

      • setupContext

        protected void setupContext​(WorkflowContext ctx)
        Creates the oAW job's WorkflowContext.
        ctx - The context to configure. Add all the models needed by the oAW job
      • setupOAWJob

        protected abstract void setupOAWJob​(T oawJob2)
        Template method in which hiers can add logic to configure their specific oAW jobs.
        oawJob2 - The job to be set up
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Description copied from interface: IJob
        Supply a name of this job. This could be used for a progress monitor.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface IJob
        the name of the job
      • cleanup

        public void cleanup​(IProgressMonitor monitor)
                     throws CleanupFailedException
        Description copied from interface: IJob
        Clean up all temporary side effects of this job. This method will always be called after executing this job to remove automatically created files and to leave the environment in a state in which the whole workflow run can be started again with the same results (i.e. in which executed can be called again). Usually, cleanup is called after the whole workflow is completed to allow other jobs to use intermediate results. In some cases, cleanup can be called earlier. However, in those cases, later jobs might not be able to access the intermediate data anymore.
        Specified by:
        cleanup in interface IJob
        monitor - the monitor
        CleanupFailedException - Thrown if a critical error occurred during clean up so that the whole workflow should abort cleaning up further jobs.