Class UIBasedWorkflow<T extends Blackboard<?>>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type of the blackboard to be used in this workflow
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    ICompositeJob, IJob, Iterable<IJob>, Collection<IJob>, List<IJob>

    public class UIBasedWorkflow<T extends Blackboard<?>>
    extends BlackboardBasedWorkflow<T>
    A workflow which is able to interact with the Eclipse GUI, i.e., for message logging or error dialogs. Additionally the workflow supports the use of a blackboard for all its jobs to exchange information, e.g., EMF models
    • Constructor Detail

      • UIBasedWorkflow

        public UIBasedWorkflow​(IJob job,
                               IProgressMonitor monitor,
                               WorkflowExceptionHandler workflowExceptionHandler,
                               T blackboard)
        Instantiates a new uI based workflow.
        job - the job
        monitor - the monitor
        workflowExceptionHandler - the workflow exception handler
        blackboard - the blackboard