Class AbstractWorkbenchDelegate<WorkflowConfigurationType extends AbstractJobConfiguration,​WorkflowType extends Workflow>

  • Type Parameters:
    WorkflowConfigurationType - The type of the configuration object needed by the workflow job to configure itself. Out of the box support for the run mode (run or debug), log-level, and unit test runs is provided.
    WorkflowType - The type of the workflow to be executed. This can be simple workflows, workflows using a blackboard, etc.
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AbstractWorkbenchDelegate<WorkflowConfigurationType extends AbstractJobConfiguration,​WorkflowType extends Workflow>
    extends Object
    implements IActionDelegate
    Abstract base class for Eclipse Workbench Actions which run based on the Palladio workflow engine, i.e., the run has an IJob which gets executed. The class offers features to support logging into the Eclipse console, support for an Eclipse process which can be used to interrupt, terminate or debug the run, integration of the Eclipse progress bar, exception handling, etc. * The class is abstract and defines some methods, which must be implemented by subclasses. See method descriptions for details. This class is based on code provided by Roman Andrej
    • Field Detail


        protected static final String DETAILED_LOG_PATTERN
        Log Pattern used for debug mode.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String VERBOSE_LOGGING
        Name of the entry in the configuration hashmap containing the log level.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • workflowListener

        protected final List<WorkflowStatusListener> workflowListener
        A list of listeners to inform about workflow status changes.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractWorkbenchDelegate

        public AbstractWorkbenchDelegate()
    • Method Detail

      • getLogLevel

        protected org.apache.log4j.Level getLogLevel()
        Get the log level based on the extended CommonTab in DebugEnabledCommonTab.

        TODO: Anne has set this to protected because the logging has to be re-enabled during PerOpteryx. Check later whether there is a better solution.

        The log level selected by the user
      • createExceptionHandler

        protected WorkflowExceptionHandler createExceptionHandler​(boolean interactive)
        Instanciate the workflow exception handler used to handle failures in the workflow. By default returns an excpetion handler which uses Eclipse Dialogs to inform the user about the failure.
        interactive - Whether the workflow runs interactive
        A workflow exception handler
      • createWorkflow

        protected WorkflowType createWorkflow​(WorkflowConfigurationType workflowConfiguration)
        Instantiate the workflow engine. By default a standard workflow engine is created.
        workflowConfiguration - Configuration of the workflow job
        The workflow engine to use for this launch
      • setupLogging

        protected ArrayList<LoggerAppenderStruct> setupLogging​(org.apache.log4j.Level logLevel)
        Setup LOGGER for the workflow run. May be overridden by clients to configure further LOGGER for other namespaces than de.uka.ipd.sdq.workflow. Use protected method setupLogger to configure additional loggers
        logLevel - The apache log4j log level requested by the user as log level
        the array list
      • setupLogger

        protected LoggerAppenderStruct setupLogger​(String loggerName,
                                                   org.apache.log4j.Level logLevel,
                                                   String layout)
        Configure the named LOGGER to log on the given log level with the given PatternLayout.
        loggerName - The name of the LOGGER to configure
        logLevel - The log level to be used by the LOGGER to configure
        layout - The layout for the pattern layout to be used to format log messages. The layout may reuse the defined constants in this class for short and detailed log outputs
        the LOGGER appender struct
      • getProcess

        protected WorkflowProcess getProcess()
        Instantiate the Eclipse process used by the workflow engine. Override this method to return a different process if you need support for debugging, etc.
        The process used to execute this launch
      • getWorkflowListener

        public List<WorkflowStatusListener> getWorkflowListener()
        Access the list of registered workflow status listeners.
        The currently registered listeners
      • register

        public void register​(WorkflowStatusListener listner)
        Register a workflow status listener to the delegate.
        listner - The listener to register.
      • setProgressMonitor

        public void setProgressMonitor​(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
        Set another progress monitor the workflow should report to than the default null progress one. Note: The progress monitor must be set before the workflow is triggered! (run method)
        progressMonitor - The monitor to report to.
      • createWorkflowJob

        protected abstract IJob createWorkflowJob​(WorkflowConfigurationType config)
        Instantiate the main job to be executed by the workflow engine. The job can be a single job or any other job type like composite jobs. The job will be run by the workflow engine.
        config - The strongly-typed configuration object used to configure the main workflow job
        The main workflow job to be executed by the workflow engine
      • useSeparateConsoleForEachJobRun

        protected abstract boolean useSeparateConsoleForEachJobRun()
        Use separate console for each job run.
        true, if successful
      • getConfiguration

        protected abstract WorkflowConfigurationType getConfiguration()
        This method is called as template method and has to be overriden by clients. Its purpose is to return a strongly typed configuration object needed by this workflow's main workflow job.
        The strongly typed configuration object for the main workflow job