Interface Selector

All Known Implementing Classes:
AlternativeNsga2, ElitismSelector, Nsga2, ScalingNsga2, SelectorDefault, Spea2

public interface Selector
The interface Selector is used to select a certain subset of Individuals from a Population by respecting certain metrics like their fitness. The core methods are getParents(int, java.util.Collection<org.opt4j.core.Individual>), that returns a set of Individuals that can be used as parents for the next generation and getLames(int, java.util.Collection<org.opt4j.core.Individual>), that returns a list of Individuals that can be removed from the given individual list in order to form the next generation.
  • Method Details

    • getParents

      Collection<Individual> getParents(int mu, Collection<Individual> population)
      Selects a subset of Individuals and returns it as a new Collection. These so called parents can be used to form the next generation.
      mu - the number of parents to select
      population - the list of individuals
      the parents
    • getLames

      Collection<Individual> getLames(int lambda, Collection<Individual> population)
      Selects a subset of lambda Individuals and returns it as a new Collection. These individuals can be erased in the next generation.
      lambda - the number of lames to select
      population - the list of individuals
      the worst lambda individuals
    • init

      void init(int maxsize)
      Sets the maximal number of Individuals.
      maxsize - the number of individuals