Interface Interpolator<P,​V>

  • All Superinterfaces:
    javolution.lang.Immutable, Serializable
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Interpolator<P,​V>
    extends javolution.lang.Immutable, Serializable

    This interface represents an estimator of the values at a certain point using surrounding points and values. Interpolators are typically used with discrete functions.

    As a convenience linear interpolator class for point-values of the same field is provided.

    Custom interpolators can be used between Java objects of different kind. For example:[code] // Creates a linear interpolator between the java.util.Date and Measures Interpolator> linear = new Interpolator>() { ... } DiscreteFunction> weight = new DiscreteFunction>(samples, linear, t); [/code]

    • Method Detail

      • interpolate

        V interpolate​(P point,
                      SortedMap<P,​V> pointValues)
        Estimates the value at the specified point.
        point - the point for which the value is estimated.
        pointValues - the point-value entries.
        the estimated value at the specified point.