Class AmountFormat

  • public abstract class AmountFormat
    extends javolution.text.TextFormat<Amount<?>>

    This class provides the interface for formatting and parsing measures instances. For example:[code] // Display measurements using unscaled units (e.g. base units or alternate units). AmountFormat.setInstance(new AmountFormat() { // Context local. public Appendable format(Amount m, Appendable a) throws IOException { Unit u = m.getUnit(); if (u instanceof TransformedUnit) u = ((TransformedUnit)u).getParentUnit(); return AmountFormat.getPlusMinusErrorInstance(2).format(, a); } public Amount parse(CharSequence csq, Cursor c) { return AmountFormat.getPlusMinusErrorInstance(2).parse(csq, c); } });[/code]

    • Constructor Detail

      • AmountFormat

        protected AmountFormat()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static AmountFormat getInstance()
        Returns the current local format (default AmountFormat.getPlusMinusErrorInstance(2)).
        the context local format.
        See Also:
      • setInstance

        public static void setInstance​(AmountFormat format)
        Sets the current local format.
        format - the new format.
      • getPlusMinusErrorInstance

        public static AmountFormat getPlusMinusErrorInstance​(int digitsInError)
        Returns a format for which the error (if present) is stated using the '±' character; for example "(1.34 ± 0.01) m". This format can be used for formatting as well as for parsing.
        digitsInError - the maximum number of digits in error.
      • getBracketErrorInstance

        public static AmountFormat getBracketErrorInstance​(int digitsInError)
        Returns a format for which the error is represented by an integer value in brackets; for example "1.3456[20] m" is equivalent to "1.3456 ± 0.0020 m". This format can be used for formatting as well as for parsing.
        digitsInError - the maximum number of digits in error.
      • getExactDigitsInstance

        public static AmountFormat getExactDigitsInstance()
        Returns a format for which only digits guaranteed to be exact are written out. In other words, the error is always on the last digit and less than the last digit weight. For example, "1.34 m" means a length between 1.32 m and 1.35 m. This format can be used for formatting only.