Class TsvLogger

    • Field Detail

      • archive

        protected final Archive archive
    • Constructor Detail

      • TsvLogger

        public TsvLogger​(Archive archive,
                         String filename,
                         int evaluationStep,
                         int iterationStep)
        Creates an TsvLogger.
        archive - the archive
        filename - the filename (using namespace TsvLogger)
        evaluationStep - the number of evaluations between two logging events (using namespace TsvLogger)
        iterationStep - the number of iterations between two logging events (using namespace TsvLogger)
    • Method Detail

      • initWriter

        protected PrintWriter initWriter​(String filename)
        Initialize the print write from a filename
        filename - the filename
        the print writer
      • logEvent

        public void logEvent​(int iteration,
                             int evaluation)
        Description copied from class: AbstractLogger
        Callback method called if the specific number of iterations or evaluations is reached.
        Specified by:
        logEvent in class AbstractLogger
        iteration - the current iteration number
        evaluation - the current evaluation number
      • getColumnDelimiter

        protected String getColumnDelimiter()
        The String separating two columns. The tab character ("\t") is the default, which leads to a tab separated values file format (TSV).
        the delimiter
      • getStatistics

        protected String getStatistics​(int iteration,
                                       int evaluation,
                                       double time)
        Statistics for the given iteration and evaluation. Per default, the iteration, the number of evaluations and the optimization run time in milliseconds, separated by getColumnDelimiter(), are returned.
        iteration - the current iteration
        evaluation - the current number of evaluations
        time - the current runtime of the optimization
        the corresponding string
      • getCommentDelimiter

        protected String getCommentDelimiter()
        The String starting a line comment. Default is the empty String ("") according to the TSV specification.
        the comment delimiter