All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Class Description Activator Activator Activator AllocationStateHandler AllocationStateHandler handles the state of variation points that vary the AllocationContext's RessourceContainer assignment of the palladio component modelAssemblyStateHandler AssemblyStateHandler handles the state of variation points that vary the AssemblyContext's Component assignment of the palladio component modelBranchStateHandler BranchStateHandler handles the state of variation points that vary the Transitions of the BranchActions (SEFF) or Branches (Usage Model) of the palladio component modelCharacteristicsStateHandler CharacteristicsStateHandler handles the state of variation points that vary Confidentiality Characteristics annotations of the palladio component modelConcreteScenarioManager ConcreteScenarioManager realizes the management of the scenarios generated from the pcm through the uncertainty variation model.ConcreteStateHandlerFactory ConcreteStateHandlerFactory realizes the concrete factory implementation.Execute GenericStateHandler GenericStateHandler realizes the abstract base class for StateHandler.ModelResourceAbstraction ModelResourceAbstraction implements the Resource Abstraction Layer for models.PrimitiveValue A representation of the model object 'Primitive Value'.PrimitiveValueImpl An implementation of the model object 'Primitive Value'.PrimitiveValueItemProvider PrimitiveValueItemProviderGen This is the item provider adapter for aPrimitiveValue
object.ResourceAbstraction Resource Abstraction defines the abstraction layer for the access to modeling resourcesScenarioManager Scenario Manager defines the abstraction layer for managing scenariosStateHandler StateHandler describes an implementation of the StateHandler for sizing and patching the variation space of a VariationPoint.StateHandlerFactory StateHandlerFactory describes a factory for the creation of StateHandler implementations.StateHandlerImplementation StateHandlerImplementation realizes the access to and queries on the StateHandler Implementation extension point.Statespace Statespace represents the state space spanned by the variation points of the uncertainty variation modelStatespaceIterator StatespaceIterator represents a traversal iteration for the StatespaceUncertaintyVariationModelActionBarContributor This is the action bar contributor for the UncertaintyVariationModel model editor.UncertaintyVariationModelAdapterFactory The Adapter Factory for the model.UncertaintyVariationModelEditor This is an example of a UncertaintyVariationModel model editor.UncertaintyVariationModelEditorPlugin This is the central singleton for the UncertaintyVariationModel editor plugin.UncertaintyVariationModelEditorPlugin.Implementation The actual implementation of the Eclipse Plugin.UncertaintyVariationModelEditPlugin This is the central singleton for the UncertaintyVariationModel edit plugin.UncertaintyVariationModelEditPlugin.Implementation The actual implementation of the Eclipse Plugin.UncertaintyVariationModelFactory The Factory for the model.UncertaintyVariationModelFactoryImpl An implementation of the model Factory.UncertaintyVariationModelGenPcm UncertaintyVariationModelGenPcm realizes the generation of the uncertainty varied palladio component model (pcm) based the specified uncertainty variation model.UncertaintyVariationModelGenPcmImpl UncertaintyVariationModelGenPcmImpl represents the implementation details of the UncertaintyVariationModelGenPcm facadeUncertaintyVariationModelItemProviderAdapterFactory This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.UncertaintyVariationModelModelWizard This is a simple wizard for creating a new model file.UncertaintyVariationModelPackage The Package for the model.UncertaintyVariationModelPackage.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each operation of each class, each enum, and each data typeUncertaintyVariationModelPackageImpl An implementation of the model Package.UncertaintyVariationModelSwitch<T> The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.UncertaintyVariations A representation of the model object 'Uncertainty Variations'.UncertaintyVariationsImpl An implementation of the model object 'Uncertainty Variations'.UncertaintyVariationsItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for aUncertaintyVariations
object.UncertaintyWorkflowJob Value A representation of the model object 'Value'.ValueCollection A representation of the model object 'Value Collection'.ValueCollectionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Value Collection'.ValueCollectionItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for aValueCollection
object.ValueImpl An implementation of the model object 'Value'.ValueItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for aValue
object.VariationDescription A representation of the model object 'Variation Description'.VariationDescriptionImpl An implementation of the model object 'Variation Description'.VariationDescriptionItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for aVariationDescription
object.VariationManager VariationManager realizes the management of the uncertainty variation model.VariationPoint A representation of the model object 'Variation Point'.VariationPointImpl An implementation of the model object 'Variation Point'.VariationPointItemProvider VariationPointItemProviderGen This is the item provider adapter for aVariationPoint