Interface IActiveProcess

  • All Superinterfaces:
    de.uka.ipd.sdq.simulation.abstractsimengine.IEntity, de.uka.ipd.sdq.scheduler.IRunningProcess
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    ActiveProcess, PreemptiveProcess, ProcessWithPriority

    public interface IActiveProcess
    extends de.uka.ipd.sdq.scheduler.IRunningProcess
    Not externally visible methods for running processes.
    • Method Detail

      • getRunQueue

        IRunQueue getRunQueue()
        Returns the current runqueue of the process. NULL if the process is in no runqueue.
      • setRunQueue

        void setRunQueue​(IRunQueue runqueue)
        Sets the current runqueue of the process.
        runqueue -
      • getState

        de.uka.ipd.sdq.scheduler.processes.PROCESS_STATE getState()
        Returns the current state of the process.
      • setRunning

        void setRunning()
        Change the current state of the process to running.
      • setReady

        void setReady()
        Change the current state of the process to ready.
      • setWaiting

        void setWaiting()
        Change the current state of the process to waiting.
      • isRunning

        boolean isRunning()
        True, if the process is in the running state, otherwise false.
      • isReady

        boolean isReady()
        True, if the process is in the ready state, otherwise false.
      • isWaiting

        boolean isWaiting()
        True, if the process is in the waiting state, otherwise false.
      • getCurrentDemand

        double getCurrentDemand()
        Returns the current demand of the process.
      • setCurrentDemand

        void setCurrentDemand​(double new_demand)
        Sets the new demand for a process. In order to do so, the current demand must be zero, i.e. has been completely processed.
        new_demand -
      • toNow

        void toNow()
        Proceeds all timing variables to the current simulation time. The current demand is reduced only, if the process is in running state.
      • setAffineInstances

        void setAffineInstances​(List<IResourceInstance> instance_list)
        Sets the affine instances for the process. The process is only allowed to run on these instances. If the list is set to NULL the process can run on any instance.
        instance_list -
      • hasAffinityList

        boolean hasAffinityList()
        True, if the process has a list of affinity instances, otherwise false.
      • checkAffinity

        boolean checkAffinity​(IResourceInstance instance)
        Checks if the given instance is in the set of affinity instances of the process.
        instance -
      • removeNonAffineInstances

        void removeNonAffineInstances​(List<IResourceInstance> instance_list)
        Removes all instances the process is not allowed to run on from the given list.
        instance_list -
      • setIdealInstance

        void setIdealInstance​(IResourceInstance instance)
        Sets the ideal instance of the process. That is the instance most preferred for the process.
        instance -
      • hasIdealInstance

        boolean hasIdealInstance()
        True, if the process has an ideal instance, otherwise false.
      • isIdealInstance

        boolean isIdealInstance​(IResourceInstance instance)
        Checks if the given instance is the ideal instance of the process.
        instance -
        True, if the instance is the process' ideal instance, otherwise false.
      • getIdealInstance

        IResourceInstance getIdealInstance()
        Returns the ideal instance of the process.
      • setLastInstance

        void setLastInstance​(IResourceInstance instance)
        Sets the instance the process is or just was running on.
        instance -
      • hasLastInstance

        boolean hasLastInstance()
        True, if the last instance of the process is set.
      • getLastInstance

        IResourceInstance getLastInstance()
        If the process is in running state, the method returns the instance the process is currently running on. Otherwise, the instance the process was recently running on is returned.
      • isLastInstance

        boolean isLastInstance​(IResourceInstance instance)
        instance -
        True, if the given instance is equal to the last instance of the process.
      • scheduleProceedEvent

        void scheduleProceedEvent​(IScheduler scheduler)
        Schedules a proceed event for the process at the time the current demand is expired.
      • cancelProceedEvent

        void cancelProceedEvent()
        Cancels an already scheduled ProceedEvent, e.g. if the process is interrupted.
      • getTimeUntilNextInterruption

        double getTimeUntilNextInterruption()
        Returns the time the process will be interrupted next.
      • setDelayedAction

        void setDelayedAction​(IDelayedAction action)
        Sets a delayed action for the process, that need to be executed as soon as the process is running. Only one delayed action at a time is allowed.
        action -
      • update

        void update()
        Updates the process's timeslice and priority, if there is such.
      • createNewInstance

        IActiveProcess createNewInstance​(de.uka.ipd.sdq.scheduler.ISchedulableProcess process)