Interface IScheduler

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractScheduler, PreemptiveScheduler

    public interface IScheduler
    Scheduling strategy for an active resource. Called by each of its instances to schedule the next processes.
    • Method Detail

      • schedule

        void schedule​(IResourceInstance instance)
        Executes the next processes on the given resource instances.
        instance - Resource instance requesting scheduling.
      • forkNewProcess

        void forkNewProcess​(IActiveProcess process,
                            IResourceInstance current)
        Registers a new process and adds it to the scheduler's runqueue(s).
        process -
      • fromWaitingToReady

        void fromWaitingToReady​(WaitingProcess waiting_process,
                                Deque<de.uka.ipd.sdq.scheduler.processes.IWaitingProcess> waiting_queue,
                                IResourceInstance current)
        Notifies the scheduler, that a process finished its waiting period and becomes ready for execution. It takes care of the complete state change including the removal of the process from its waiting queue.
        waiting_process - Wrapper for the waiting process.
        waiting_queue - Queue where the process is waiting.
      • fromRunningToWaiting

        void fromRunningToWaiting​(WaitingProcess waiting_process,
                                  Deque<de.uka.ipd.sdq.scheduler.processes.IWaitingProcess> waiting_queue,
                                  boolean in_front)
        Notifies the scheduler, that a running process has to change its state to waiting. Takes care of the complete state change, including the insertion of the process into the waiting queue.
        waiting_process - Wrapper for the waiting process. Includes additional information about the waiting state.
        waiting_queue - The queue where the process has to wait.
        in_front - If true, the process is inserted at the front of the queue, otherwise it is inserted at the end.
      • scheduleNextEvent

        void scheduleNextEvent​(IResourceInstance instance)
        Schedules the next event for the specified resource instance. Assumes that the running process of the instance is set correctly.
        instance - Instance a new event is needed for.
      • isIdle

        boolean isIdle​(IResourceInstance instance)
        True, if the given resource has no running or pending jobs, otherwise false.
        instance -
      • getInterval

        double getInterval()