Class PreemptiveScheduler

    • Constructor Detail

      • PreemptiveScheduler

        public PreemptiveScheduler​(de.uka.ipd.sdq.scheduler.SchedulerModel model,
                                   SimActiveResource resource,
                                   IQueueingStrategy queueingStrategy,
                                   boolean in_front_after_waiting,
                                   double scheduling_interval,
                                   StarvationBoost starvationBoost)
    • Method Detail

      • schedule

        public void schedule​(IResourceInstance instance)
        Description copied from interface: IScheduler
        Executes the next processes on the given resource instances.
        instance - Resource instance requesting scheduling.
      • scheduleNextEvent

        public void scheduleNextEvent​(IResourceInstance instance)
        Description copied from interface: IScheduler
        Schedules the next event for the specified resource instance. Assumes that the running process of the instance is set correctly.
        instance - Instance a new event is needed for.
      • isIdle

        public boolean isIdle​(IResourceInstance instance)
        Description copied from interface: IScheduler
        True, if the given resource has no running or pending jobs, otherwise false.
      • getInterval

        public double getInterval()
      • getQueueLengthFor

        public int getQueueLengthFor​(SimResourceInstance simResourceInstance)