Class AbstractDemandStrategy

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractDemandStrategy

        public AbstractDemandStrategy​(int low,
                                      int medium,
                                      int high,
                                      int iterationCount,
                                      int warmups)
        Constructor. Configures a demand strategy with low, medium and high modifier, as well as number of standard and warm-up cycles
        low - accuracy modifier for low precision calibration
        medium - accuracy modifier for medium precision calibration
        high - accuracy modifier for high precision calibration
        iterationCount -
        warmups -
    • Method Detail

      • consume

        public void consume​(double demand)
        Description copied from interface: IDemandStrategy
        Consume a resource according to its demand & processing rate(specified in initaliseStrategy) WARNING: initializeStrategy() has to be run first
        Specified by:
        consume in interface IDemandStrategy
        demand - [units] The demand to consume
        See Also:
      • getCalibrationFileName

        protected String getCalibrationFileName()
        Returns the name of the file used to store the calibration table Filename depends on paramters of this class
        The calibration table file name
      • getCalibrationPath

        protected File getCalibrationPath()
        Query the calibration path from the properties of this object
        The file system path used to load and store the calibration data, or the current working directory if it is not set
      • run

        protected abstract void run​(long load)
        Template method. This starts running the strategy with the parameter load
        load - Complexity parameter. Algorithm should take longer if parameter is larger, i.e., ideally run(a) < run(b) <==> a < b
      • calibrate

        public CalibrationTable calibrate()
        Create a new calibration table for this host by measuring the execution times of our algorithm and creating an according calibration table
        Specified by:
        calibrate in interface IDemandStrategy
        a calibration table containing the results of the calibration
      • setCalibrationListener

        public void setCalibrationListener​(ICalibrationListener listener)
        Description copied from interface: IDemandStrategy
        Sets the calibration listener that receives progress updates during the calibration.
        Specified by:
        setCalibrationListener in interface IDemandStrategy
        listener - the calibration listener to receive the updates
      • hasCalibrationTable

        public boolean hasCalibrationTable()
        Description copied from interface: IDemandStrategy
        Checks whether the strategy has a calibration table.
        Specified by:
        hasCalibrationTable in interface IDemandStrategy
        true if the strategy has a calibration table, otherwise false
      • setDebug

        public void setDebug​(boolean enable)
        Description copied from interface: IDemandStrategy
        Enables or disables debug mode. When debug mode is enabled, the calibration returns dummy results instead of actually calibrating the strategy.
        Specified by:
        setDebug in interface IDemandStrategy
        enable - true if debug mode should be enabled, otherwise false
      • debugEnabled

        public boolean debugEnabled()
        Description copied from interface: IDemandStrategy
        Checks whether debug mode is enabled.
        Specified by:
        debugEnabled in interface IDemandStrategy
        true if debug mode is enabled, otherwise false
      • watchConsume

        public void watchConsume​(double demand)
        Consumes demands (only used for testing purpose!)
        demand -
      • formatDuration

        public static String formatDuration​(org.jscience.physics.amount.Amount<javax.measure.quantity.Duration> t)