Interface IDemandStrategy

    • Method Detail

      • initializeStrategy

        void initializeStrategy​(DegreeOfAccuracyEnum degreeOfAccuracy,
                                double processingRate)
        Initialize the strategy and perform necessary calibrations
        degreeOfAccuracy - The degree of accuracy used for calibration: HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW WARNING: The use of HIGH can result in a significant increase in the execution time
        processingRate - [units/seconds] The rate to initialize with (demand/processingRate = time)
      • initializeStrategy

        void initializeStrategy​(DegreeOfAccuracyEnum degreeOfAccuracy,
                                double processingRate,
                                String calibrationPath)
        Initialize the strategy and perform necessary calibrations
        degreeOfAccuracy - The degree of accuracy used for calibration: HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW WARNING: The use of HIGH can result in a significant increase in the execution time
        processingRate - [units/seconds] The rate to initialize with (demand/processingRate = time)
        calibrationPath - Path where the calibration is stored
      • consume

        void consume​(double demand)
        Consume a resource according to its demand & processing rate(specified in initaliseStrategy) WARNING: initializeStrategy() has to be run first
        demand - [units] The demand to consume
      • setProperties

        void setProperties​(Properties properties)
        Do not use default properties, but set properties externally.
        properties -
      • getStrategysResource

        ResourceTypeEnum getStrategysResource()
        Get the resource this strategy is able to simulate
        The resource type we can simulate
      • getName

        String getName()
        Gets the name of the strategy.
        a string containing the name of the strategy
      • setCalibrationListener

        void setCalibrationListener​(ICalibrationListener listener)
        Sets the calibration listener that receives progress updates during the calibration.
        listener - the calibration listener to receive the updates
      • setCalibrationTable

        void setCalibrationTable​(CalibrationTable table)
        Sets the calibration table.
        table - the calibration table
      • hasCalibrationTable

        boolean hasCalibrationTable()
        Checks whether the strategy has a calibration table.
        true if the strategy has a calibration table, otherwise false
      • calibrate

        CalibrationTable calibrate()
        Calibrates the strategy and sets the internal calibration table.
        a calibration table containing the results of the calibration
      • setDebug

        void setDebug​(boolean enable)
        Enables or disables debug mode. When debug mode is enabled, the calibration returns dummy results instead of actually calibrating the strategy.
        enable - true if debug mode should be enabled, otherwise false
      • debugEnabled

        boolean debugEnabled()
        Checks whether debug mode is enabled.
        true if debug mode is enabled, otherwise false
      • cleanup

        void cleanup()
        Do cleanup work.
      • ensureCalibrationExists

        void ensureCalibrationExists()