Class |
Description |
AbstractAllocationStorage |
Manages the sets of container ID, name and allocated components
AbstractBasicPort<AComponent extends IComponent> |
Port class for basic components.
AbstractClosedScenarioThread |
Abstract class for running closed workload users.
AbstractDemandStrategy |
Abstract superclass of all active demand strategies.
AbstractDemandStrategy.ProcessingRate |
AbstractDemandStrategy.Work |
AbstractMain |
Abstract parent class of the main class of a QoS prototype.
AbstractOpenScenarioThread |
Abstract class for running open workload users.
AbstractPerformancePrototypeBasicPort<AComponent extends IPerformancePrototypeComponent> |
Port class for basic components.
AbstractResourceEnvironment |
Assigns strategies for resource demand simulation.
AbstractScenarioThread |
Abstract class for running both closed and open workload users.
AcquireActionAdapter |
ActionAdapter<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.AbstractAction> |
Activator |
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle
AllocationAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM Allocation entities.
AllocationContextAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM AllocationContext entities.
AssemblyContextAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM AssemblyContext entities.
BasicComponentAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM BasicComponent entities.
BranchActionAdapter |
BranchAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM Branch user actions.
BranchTransitionAdapter<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.seff.AbstractBranchTransition> |
BranchTransitionAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM BranchTransition entities.
BuildProperties |
CalculatePrimesDemand |
CalibrationSocket |
WebSocket class for providing real-time calibration updates.
CalibrationTable |
Class representing the calibration table.
ClassHelper |
The ClassHelper class is used to retrieve classes from a package.
Classpath |
ClosedWorkloadAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM ClosedWorkload entities.
CommandLineParser |
Command line parser for ProtoCom.
CommonConfigurationModule |
Common binding for Google Guice.
ComponentAllocation |
ConceptMapping<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.NamedElement> |
Subclasses of ConceptMapping are mapping language classes to entity representing ones.
ConsoleOutputVisitor |
ContainerModule |
A ContainerModule represents a PCM resource container and its assigned components.
CopiedFile |
CountNumbersDemand |
DataTypes |
Utility class for creating datatype strings.
DegreeOfAccuracyEnum |
DelayAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM Delay user actions.
DemandConsumerStrategiesRegistry |
EcmProxy |
The EcmProxy class obtains a CMIS session for the SAP HANA Cloud Document Service.
EcmStorage |
The EcmStorage class provides an IStorage implementation for the SAP HANA Cloud Document Service.
EntryLevelSystemCallAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM EntryLevelSystemCall user actions.
Experiment |
API class for controlling experiments and experiment iterations.
ExperimentData |
The ExperimentData class is used to store the data of an experiment.
ExperimentManager |
Manages the time span sensors and measurements.
ExperimentVisitor |
The ExperimentVisitor class is used to measure the duration of method calls during an experiment.
ExternalCallActionAdapter |
FairSemaphoreResource |
FFTDemand |
FibonacciDemand |
FileProvider |
The FileProvider class is used to retrieve WebContent files during transformation.
Files |
ForkActionAdapter |
FrameworkFile |
The FrameworkFile class stores the data required for copying a framework file.
FSAProvider |
Google Guice provider for FileSystemAccess.
GeneratedFile<L extends ICompilationUnit> |
Abstract class representing generated files.
GuardedBranchTransitionAdapter |
IBuildProperties |
ICalibrationListener |
Classes implementing the ICalibrationListener interface can receive progress updates
during the calibration of resource strategies.
ICallVisitor |
Classes implementing the ICallVisitor interface can be used for monitoring method calls.
ICallVisitor |
Interceptor for service calls within PCM systems.
IClasspath |
ICompilationUnit |
This interface is the smallest common subset of attributes for generated
compilation units of all languages, e.g., Java classes or interfaces.
IComponent |
Basic component interface.
IDemandStrategy |
IExperiment |
Classes implementing the IExperiment interface provide methods for conducting experiments.
IExperimentManager |
This interface provides remote calls to Experiment Managers.
IJAnnotation |
IJClass |
IJCompilationUnit |
Common attributes of Java compilation units.
IJeeClass |
IJeeClasspath |
IJeeComponentFile |
IJeeDeploymentDescriptor |
IJeeDescriptor |
IJeeEjbDescriptor |
IJeeFacetCoreXml |
IJeeGlassfishEjbDescriptor |
IJeeInterface |
IJeeManifest |
IJeePreferences |
IJeeSettings |
IJField |
IJInterface |
Nothing special in here yet.
IJMethod |
TODO: Common IJMember for Method and Field.
IJseManifest |
IManifest |
InfrastructureProvidedRoleAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM InfrastructureProvidedRole entities.
InterfaceProvidingRequiringEntityAdapter<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.InterfaceProvidingRequiringEntity> |
Abstract base class for PCM InterfaceProvidingRequiring entity adapters.
InterfaceRequiringEntityAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM InterfaceRequiringEntity entities.
InternalActionAdapter |
IPassiveResourceStrategy |
IPerformancePrototypeComponent |
Basic component interface for performance prototypes.
IPerformancePrototypePort<AComponent> |
Port interface for performance prototypes.
IPluginXml |
IPort<T> |
The IPort interface is implemented by every port.
IPort<AComponent> |
Port interface.
IProtocomUI |
IReadMe |
IRmiRegistry |
IStopable |
IStorage |
Classes implementing the IStorage interface provide methods for file persistence.
ITestPlan |
IUsageScenario |
The IUsageScenario interface is used to get the data of all usage scenarios in generated performance prototypes.
JAnnotation |
JavaConstants |
Java-related constants.
JavaEEIIOPBasicComponentClass |
JavaEEIIOPBasicComponentPortClass |
JavaEEIIOPClass<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
JavaEEIIOPClasspath |
JavaEEIIOPClasspathFile<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
JavaEEIIOPClientClasspath |
JavaEEIIOPClientFacetCore |
JavaEEIIOPClientManifest |
JavaEEIIOPClientPreferences |
JavaEEIIOPComponentClassInterface |
JavaEEIIOPComponentFile<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
JavaEEIIOPDescriptor<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
JavaEEIIOPEclipseClientComponentFile |
JavaEEIIOPEclipseComponentFile |
JavaEEIIOPEjbDescriptor |
JavaEEIIOPFacetCore |
JavaEEIIOPFacetCoreFile<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
JavaEEIIOPGlassfishEjbDescriptor |
JavaEEIIOPInterface<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
JavaEEIIOPManifest |
JavaEEIIOPMFFile<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
JavaEEIIOPOperationInterface |
JavaEEIIOPPreferences |
JavaEEIIOPPreferencesFile<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
JavaEEIIOPReadMe |
JavaEEIIOPReadMeFile<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
JavaNames |
1:1 copy from the old JavaNames xtend1 extension.
JClass |
JCompilationUnit<E extends IJCompilationUnit> |
JeeAllocation |
JeeBasicComponent |
JeeClass |
JeeClasspath |
JeeComponentFile |
JeeCompositeComponent |
JeeConfigurationModule |
Google Guice binding for Java Enterprise Edition Protocom.
JeeDeploymentDescriptor |
JeeEjbDescriptor |
JeeFacetCore |
JeeGlassfishEjbDescriptor |
JeeInterface |
JeeManifest |
JeeOperationInterface |
JeePreferences |
JeeReadMe |
JeeServletAllocation |
JeeServletBasicComponent |
JeeServletConfigurationModule |
JeeServletInfrastructureInterface |
JeeServletOperationInterface |
JeeServletResourceEnvironment |
JeeServletSystem |
JeeServletUsageScenario |
JeeSettings |
JeeSystem |
JField |
Class representing a field in Java.
JInterface |
JMethod |
Class representing a Java method.
JseAllocation |
An Allocation for JSE translates into one additional container information file.
JseBasicComponent |
A Basic Component translates into the following Java compilation units:
a class implementing the component's resource demands,
an interface for the component class,
a context class for assembly,
an interface for the context class,
a class for each component's port.
JseCompositeComponent |
An CompositeComponent translates into the following Java compilation units:
a class used to setup the assembly (a CompositeComponent is a ComposedStructure),
an interface for this component's class,
a context class for assembly,
an interface for the context class,
a class for each component's port.
JseConfigurationModule |
Google Guice binding for Java Standard Edition Protocom.
JseInfrastructureInterface |
An Infrastructure Interface translates into the following Java compilation units:
an interface.
JseManifest |
JseOperationInterface |
An Operation Interface translates into the following Java compilation units:
an interface.
JseResourceEnvironment |
Resource Environments for JSE are a config file used for calibration of active resources.
JseStubBasicComponent |
A Basic Component translates into the following Java compilation units:
a class implementing the component's resource demands,
an interface for the component class,
a context class for assembly,
an interface for the context class,
a class for each component's port.
JseStubCollectionDataType |
A Collection Data Type translates into the following Java compilation units:
a dedicated data type class.
JseStubCompositeComponent |
An CompositeComponent translates into the following Java compilation units:
a class used to setup the assembly (a CompositeComponent is a ComposedStructure),
an interface for this component's class,
a context class for assembly,
an interface for the context class,
a class for each component's port.
JseStubCompositeDataType |
A Composite Data Type translates into the following Java compilation units:
a dedicated data type class.
JseStubConfigurationModule |
Google Guice binding for Java Standard Edition Protocom Stubs.
JseStubInfrastructureInterface |
An Infrastructure Interface translates into the following Java compilation units:
an interface.
JseStubOperationInterface |
An Operation Interface translates into the following Java compilation units:
an interface.
JseStubSystem |
An System translates into the following Java compilation units:
a class used to setup the assembly (a System is a Composed Structure),
an interface for this component's class,
a context class for assembly (basically unused, can be removed?),
an interface for the context class,
a class for each component's port, used by the Usage Scenario.
JseSystem |
An System translates into the following Java compilation units:
a class used to setup the assembly (a System is a Composed Structure),
an interface for this component's class,
a context class for assembly (basically unused, can be removed?),
an interface for the context class,
a class for each component's port, used by the Usage Scenario.
JseUsageScenario |
JsonHelper |
The JsonHelper class is used to convert object from and to JSON.
JsonResponse |
A JsonResponse object represents an HTTP response with a JSON payload.
LocalComponentRegistry |
The LocalComponentRegistry singleton provides methods for registering components and systems.
LocalStub |
A RemoteStub object is used to delegate local method calls to a remote instance.
Log |
API class for controlling the log.
LogData |
The LogData class is used to store the data of log messages to be sent via LogSockets.
LogMessage |
The LogMessage class stores the data of a log entry.
LogSocket |
WebSocket class for providing real-time log updates.
LoopActionAdapter |
LoopAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM Loop user actions.
MainServlet |
MandelbrotDemand |
ModelAdapter<T extends EObject> |
Base class for all PCM model adapters.
Module |
The Module class is the common base class for modules.
Modules |
API class for retrieving module data and starting modules.
ModuleStartException |
Signals that a module was not able to start.
OpenWorkloadAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM OpenWorkload entities.
OperationInterfaceAdapter |
OperationProvidedRoleAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM OperationProvidedRole entities.
OperationRequiredRoleAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM OperationRequiredRole entities.
Options |
The Options class provides HTTP APIs for retrieving and setting the prototype's options.
OptionsData |
The OptionsData class is used to store the options selected by the user in an IStorage instance.
Parameter |
A Parameter object represents a name-value pair used as GET parameter.
Parameters |
Utility class for creating parameter strings.
ParametricResourceDemandAdapter |
PassiveResource |
Simulates passive resource usage with semaphores.
PassiveResourceRegistry |
Registry for passive resource types.
PcmAction |
Abstract class for implementing PCM actions, i.e., the behavior of components as specified
via SEFFs.
PcmCalls |
Templates for external (service) calls.
PcmCommons |
Common PCM stuff.
PCMEclipseResourceFileSystemAccess2 |
PCMEclipseResourceFileSystemAccess2.IFileCallback |
PcmIIOPProtoAction |
Defines templates for actions of both kinds: SEFF actions.
PcmProtoAction |
Defines templates for SEFF actions.
PcmProtoUserAction |
Defines templates for actions of both kinds: SEFF actions and user actions.
PcmRepresentative<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.NamedElement> |
Abstract class representing a generic PCM model entity.
PcmRMIProtoAction |
Defines templates for actions of both kinds: SEFF actions and user actions.
PcmRMIProtoUserAction |
Defines templates for actions of both kinds: SEFF actions and user actions.
PcmRMIStubAction |
Defines templates for actions of both kinds: SEFF actions and user actions.
PcmRMIStubUserAction |
Defines templates for actions of both kinds: SEFF actions and user actions.
PcmServletProtoAction |
PcmServletProtoUserAction |
Defines templates for actions of both kinds: SEFF actions and user actions.
PcmStubAction |
Defines templates for actions of both kinds: SEFF actions and user actions.
PcmStubUserAction |
Defines templates for actions of both kinds: SEFF actions and user actions.
PcmUserAction |
Abstract class for implementing PCM actions, i.e., the behavior of components as specified
via SEFFs.
PluginXml |
PojoAllocationStorage |
PojoBasicComponentClass |
Defining the content of component implementations (classes implementing the component behavior).
PojoBasicComponentClass |
PojoBasicComponentContextClass |
PojoBasicComponentContextInterface |
PojoBasicComponentPortClass |
Provider for port classes based on provided roles.
PojoBasicComponentPortClass |
Provider for port classes based on provided roles.
PojoBuildProperties |
PojoBuildProperties |
PojoBuildPropertiesFile<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
PojoClass<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
Common super type for all provider creating Java classes.
PojoClasspath |
PojoClasspathFile<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
PojoCollectionDataTypeClass |
Defining the content of collection data type implementations.
PojoComponentClassInterface |
Defining the content of component implementation interfaces (the interfaces for the
classes implementing the component behavior).
PojoComponentClassInterface |
Defining the content of component implementation interfaces (the interfaces for the
classes implementing the component behavior).
PojoComposedStructureClass<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.ComposedProvidingRequiringEntity> |
Common provider for System and CompositeComponent elements.
PojoComposedStructureClass<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.ComposedProvidingRequiringEntity> |
Common provider for System and CompositeComponent elements.
PojoComposedStructureContextClass |
PojoComposedStructureContextInterface |
PojoComposedStructureInterface |
Defining the content of component implementation interfaces (the interfaces for
the classes implementing the component behavior).
PojoComposedStructurePortClass |
PojoComposedStructurePortClass |
PojoCompositeComponentClass |
Provider for CompositeComponents.
PojoCompositeComponentClass |
Provider for CompositeComponents.
PojoCompositeDataTypeClass |
Defining the content of composite data type implementations.
PojoInfrastructureInterface |
Defining the content of InfrastructureInterface classes.
PojoInfrastructureInterface |
Defining the content of InfrastructureInterface classes.
PojoInterface<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
Common super type for all provider creating Java interfaces.
PojoManifest |
PojoManifest |
PojoMFFile<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
PojoOperationInterface |
Defining the content of OperationInterface classes.
PojoOperationInterface |
Defining the content of OperationInterface classes.
PojoPluginXml |
PojoPluginXml |
PojoPluginXmlFile<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
PojoResourceEnvironment |
Creates a configuration file for the ResourceEnvironment.
PojoSystemClass |
PojoSystemClass |
PojoSystemMain |
PojoUsageClosedScenarioThread |
PojoUsageScenario |
PortServlet<T> |
The PortServlet class is the common base class for ports.
ProbabilisticBranchTransitionAdapter |
ProjectDeletionChoice |
ProjectDeletionRunner |
Helper class that allows a message box to appear from a non user
interface thread because the workbench shell is otherwise not accessible.
ProtocomCliUI |
ProtoComCodeGenerationJob |
Main job for the SDQ workflow engine which will run a ProtoCom generation
ProtoComCodegenWorkflowLauncher |
The class adapts defined functionality in the AbstractMDSDLaunchConfigurationDelegate for SimuCom
ProtocomConfig |
Config class for protocom
TODO: Not in use.
ProtoComConstants |
ProtoComGenerationConfiguration |
ProtoComGenerationConfigurationTab |
ProtoComGenerationLaunchConfigurationBasedConfigBuilder |
ProtoComGeneratorTabGroup |
The class defines tabs for the SimuBench Launch configuration menu.
ProtoComModule |
The ProtoComModule class specifies all Guice bindings for the framwork and
generated performance prototypes.
ProtoComProject |
Encapsulates all information needed to generated a single project by ProtoCom.
ProtoComProjectFactory |
PrototypeBridge |
The PrototypeBridge class is used to make generated prototype data available to the framework.
ReadLargeChunksDemand |
Reads large chunks of data up to MAX_FILE_SIZE Byte (default 8 MB) from a predefined hard disk
Registry |
API class for managing the registry.
Registry |
The Registry singleton provides methods for registering and accessing remote objects.
RegistryData |
The RegistryData class is used to store the location of the registry.
RegistryEntry |
A RegistryEntry object represents an object in the registry.
RegistryException |
Signals that an invalid request was performed at a registry.
ReleaseActionAdapter |
RemoteCall |
A RemoteCall object represents a remote method call.
RemoteRegistry |
The RemoteRegistry class manages the registry.
Request |
The Request class provides methods for performing HTTP requests.
Reset |
API class for resetting the prototype status to "initial".
ResourceContainerAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM ResourceContainer entities.
ResourceDemandingBehaviourAdapter |
ResourceEnvironmentAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM ResourceEnvironment entities.
ResourceTypeEnum |
Response |
A Response object represents an HTTP response.
Results |
API class for retrieving experiment results.
ResultsSocket |
WebSocket class for providing real-time result updates.
RmiRegistry |
RMI registry service for ProtoCom.
RunProperties |
ScenarioBehaviourAdapter |
Scenarios |
API class for retrieving usage scenario data.
SensorFrameworkExperiment |
The SensorFrameworkExperiment provides a Sensor Framework implementation of IExperiment.
SensorFrameworkVisitor |
ServiceEffectSpecificationAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM ServiceEffectSpecification entities.
ServletAllocationStorage |
ServletBasicComponentClass |
ServletBasicComponentContextClass |
ServletBasicComponentContextInterface |
ServletBasicComponentPortClass |
ServletClass<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
ServletClasspath<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
ServletComponentClassInterface |
ServletComposedStructureInterface |
ServletComposedStructurePortClass |
ServletDeploymentDescriptor |
ServletInfrastructureInterface |
ServletInterface<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.Entity> |
ServletOperationInterface |
ServletResourceEnvironment |
ServletSettings |
ServletSystemClass<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.core.entity.ComposedProvidingRequiringEntity> |
ServletSystemMain |
ServletTestPlan |
ServletUsageScenario |
SignatureAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM Signature entities.
SortArrayDemand |
StartActionAdapter |
StartAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM Start user actions.
Status |
API class for retrieving the prototype status.
StopActionAdapter |
StopAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM Stop user actions.
StrategiesRegistry |
The StrategiesRegistry class is used to store initialized strategies for lookup during the prototype's execution.
StrategiesRegistry |
StringResponse |
A StringResponse object represents an HTTP response with a string payload.
SynchronisedResource |
SystemAdapter |
Adapter for PCM System entities.
SystemModule |
A SystemModule object represents a startable PCM system entity.
SystemResourcesUtil |
Helper class for monitoring system resources.
TestPlan |
TransformPCMToCodeXtendJob |
UnFairSemaphoreResource |
UsageScenarioAdapter |
Adapter class for PCM UsageScenario entities.
UserActionAdapter<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.usagemodel.AbstractUserAction> |
Abstract base class for PCM user actions.
UserMenu |
VoidDemand |
WaitDemand |
WebAppender |
The WebAppender class for Apache Log4j delegates log messages to the web UI.
WebSocket |
Abstract base class for WebSocket classes.
WorkloadAdapter<E extends org.palladiosimulator.pcm.usagemodel.Workload> |
Abstract base class for PCM Workload adapters.
XAllocation |
Entry point for transformations of Allocation entities.
XBasicComponent |
Leaf for Basic Components.
XCollectionDataType |
Leaf for Collection Data Types.
XCompositeComponent |
Leaf for Composite Components.
XCompositeDataType |
Leaf for Composite Data Types.
XEventGroup |
Leaf for Event Groups.
XInfrastructureInterface |
Leaf for Infrastructure Interfaces.
XOperationInterface |
Leaf for Operation Interfaces.
XRepository |
Traversing Repository.
XResourceEnvironment |
Entry point for transformations of Resource Environment entities.
XSystem |
XUsageScenario |
Entry point for transformations of Usage Scenario entities.