Class SSJSimEvent<E extends IEntity>

  • Type Parameters:
    E - the type of the entity which is modified by this event
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    ISimEvent<E>, Comparable<umontreal.ssj.simevents.Event>

    public class SSJSimEvent<E extends IEntity>
    extends umontreal.ssj.simevents.Event
    implements ISimEvent<E>
    • Method Detail

      • actions

        public void actions()
        The event handler, which is called by SSJ when an event occurred.

        Specified by:
        actions in class umontreal.ssj.simevents.Event
        See Also:
      • schedule

        public void schedule​(E resource,
                             double delay)
        Description copied from interface: ISimEvent
        Schedules this event to occur in delay simulated time units.
        Specified by:
        schedule in interface ISimEvent<E extends IEntity>
        resource - the entity which is associated with this event; null, if the event is not related to a certain entity.
        delay - the period of simulated time to wait before this event is executed.
      • removeEvent

        public void removeEvent()
        Description copied from interface: ISimEvent
        Removes this event from the list of future events.
        Specified by:
        removeEvent in interface ISimEvent<E extends IEntity>