All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract job providing access to the blackboard of the generic type.
Job configuration which is composed from several child job configurations.
The Class AbstractCompositeJob.
The Class AbstractConfigBuilderBasedLaunchConfigurationDelegate.
The Class AbstractConfigBuilderTab.
The super class for an extendible job which is able to look up and instantiate job extension which have registered for a specific work flow by it's id.
A configuration for extendible jobs which is able to carry the required launch information to inject this into the extending job delegates.
An abstract job configuration which can be instantiated to provide custom configurations to a work flow job extension.
An abstract job providing basic infrastructure such as logging.
The Class AbstractJobConfiguration.
The Class AbstractMDSDWorkbenchDelegate.
AbstractOAWWorkflowJobBridge<T extends org.eclipse.xtend.expression.AbstractExpressionsUsingWorkflowComponent>
This class allows the use of jobs of the openArchitectureWare workflow engine as part of the SDQ workflow engine.
Base class for all builder classes which take an Eclipse ILaunchConfig or its contained attributes map and convert it into a configuration object of the ConfigurationType.
Abstract base class for Eclipse Workbench Actions which run based on the Palladio workflow engine, i.e., the run has an IJob which gets executed.
Abstract base class for Eclipse Launches (both Run and Debug mode are supported) which run based on the Palladio workflow engine, i.e., the run has an IJob which gets executed.
Base class of workflows running as Eclipse run or debug launches which need a blackboard to load, manipulate, and transform EMF models along their job processing.
An adapted job configuration with specifics for the Eclipse IDE - run mode (run or debug) - interactice - clonable Base class for all configurations used to configure an Eclipse based Workflow (or launch).
Bridge for workflow engine-based configurations of type AbstractWorkflowBasedRunConfiguration and eclipse launch configurations.
Provides an abstract class for which an implementation has to be provided by a workflow extension job.
Abstract extension job.
Default implementation of a workflow status listener.
The Class Activator.
Base class of appender monitors.
The Enum ComparisonOperator.
A blackboard is a storage space where workflow jobs can retrieve and store data from respectively to.
This is a Blackboard aware Job Proxy.
A workflow implementation which may contain jobs which need to access a blackboard.
The Class BlackboardReader.
A job which checks all model constraints implemented by EMF directly or generated using the EMF OCL extension.
Exception to be thrown if the cleanup method of a job terminates unrecoverable.
The Class DebugEnabledCommonTab.
Listener for File selection dialogs.
A sequential workflow which may contain jobs which need access to a common blackboard for information exchange.
Implementation of a composite job that guarantees the execution of it's jobs in the order they were added, similar to SequentialJob.
The Class ExecutionTimeLoggingProgressMonitor.
Interface of the configuration of an extendible job.
The Class ExtendableTabGroup.
Helper class to access installed work-flow extensions.
Allows to select files based on their name.
Interface for classes listening to new text arriving at a Log4J appender which is capable of infoming about new text via events instead of logging itself.
Interface of a blackboard as defined in POSA I.
Interface of a job which needs access to a certain type of blackboard to retrieve or store data.
The Interface IBlackboardInteractingWorkflowComponent.
Interface for composite jobs.
Interface for jobs to be added to a workflow (IWorkflow).
Interface for Configuration Objects used to configure work flow jobs.
Helper class to load and cache images from the plugin to present them in the UI.
The Class InvalidWorkflowJobConfiguration.
A job supporting pre and post execute routines.
Exception to be thrown if the execute method of a job terminates unrecoverable.
This class allows to register a job, which will be resolved shortly before it is executed.
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle.
The Class LaunchMultiple.
Launch configuration tab to choose from existing launch configurations.
The Class LaunchMultipleTabGroup.
Listener for File selection dialogs.
This class is a IStreamsProxy implementation which uses Log4J appender as source of its output and error streams.
The Class LoggerAppenderStruct.
A blackboard implementation whose partitions use ResourceSet to store EMF Model Resources.
This listener prints a stream it listens to into a given MessageConsole.
Immutable class used to uniquely identify a model (aka a resource) on an MDSD blackboard.
The Class ModelValidationJob.
An MDSDBlackboard enabled version of the MWE2WorkflowComponentBridge.
SequentialJob for MWE2 WorkflowComponents.
A bridge allowing the simple execution of MWE2 IWorkflowComponents used in XText projects.
Parallel composite job which is capable to provide child jobs access to a blackboard instance during instantiation.
Runs a set of jobs in parallel.
Execute a model validation check using a given oAW check file.
The PrepareXTextPartitionJob loads selected models from the modelLocation into the blackboard.
The Class QVTOExecutor.
The Class QVTOLogger.
The Class QVTOResult.
A job that performs a QVT Operational transformation.
Configuration class of the QVTOTransformationJob.
Implementation of a blackboard partition based on EMF Resource Sets.
The Class SavePartitionToDiskJob.
A sequential workflow which may contain jobs which need access to a common blackboard for information exchange.
Implementation of a composite job that guarantees the execution of it's jobs in the order they were added.
The Class ShowValidationErrorsJob.
An implementation of a Log4J appender which generates events and forwards them to registered listeners instead of taking the storing of the log messages themselves.
Provides methods helpful when working with ILaunchConfiguration,.
The Class TransformationExecutor.
A workflow which is able to interact with the Eclipse GUI, i.e., for message logging or error dialogs.
Workflow exception handler which is able to interact with the Eclipse UI.
The Class UserCanceledException.
Implementation of a workflow.
A data class composing the relevant elements that form an instance of the work flow configuration tab extension point.
Helper class to access installed work-flow extensions.
Implementation of a work flow exception handler.
A data class composing the relevant elements that form an instance of the work flow extension point.
The Class WorkflowFailedException.
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle.
An implementation of an IProcess which is able to log to the provided process console, but otherwise unable to terminate, suspend, etc.
Listener to be informed about workflow status changes.
Listener for File selection dialogs.
Job which creates, configures and runs an XPand generator.
The Class XTextGeneratorBlackboardCompositeJob.
A configuration for using the XText Generator.
XTextGeneratorCompositeJob for using XText Generators in the WFE.
The Class XTextGeneratorModule.
The Class XTextGeneratorSetup.
The Class XTextGeneratorSupport.