Class Blackboard<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type of the partitions of the blackboard
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class Blackboard<T>
    extends Object
    implements IBlackboard<T>
    A blackboard is a storage space where workflow jobs can retrieve and store data from respectively to. It implements the well known architecture pattern "Blackboard" of POSA I The blackboard contains information pieces called partitions. Each partition contains data needed for a specific type of job. For example, in a compiler, there would be a partition called symbol table to store the detected variable declarations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Blackboard

        public Blackboard()
    • Method Detail

      • getPartition

        public T getPartition​(String id)
        Get a specific partition from the blackboard identified by the id it was registered with.
        Specified by:
        getPartition in interface IBlackboard<T>
        id - The id to get the partition for.
        The requested partition or null if none matching found.
        See Also:
      • hasPartition

        public boolean hasPartition​(String id)
        Description copied from interface: IBlackboard
        Query the blackboard for a named partition.
        Specified by:
        hasPartition in interface IBlackboard<T>
        id - The ID of the named partition
        true if the partition exists on the blackboard
      • removePartition

        public void removePartition​(String id)
        Description copied from interface: IBlackboard
        Remove a named partition from the blackboard.
        Specified by:
        removePartition in interface IBlackboard<T>
        id - ID of the partition to removeS
      • getPartitionIds

        public Set<String> getPartitionIds()
        Description copied from interface: IBlackboard
        Get the set of partitions currently present on this blackboard.
        Specified by:
        getPartitionIds in interface IBlackboard<T>
        the set of partition ids.