Interface IBlackboard<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type of the data stored in the blackboard. T is not limited to a certain interface to allow arbitrary values to be stored here.
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Blackboard, MDSDBlackboard

    public interface IBlackboard<T>
    Interface of a blackboard as defined in POSA I. See also class Blackboard for further information.
    • Method Detail

      • getPartition

        T getPartition​(String id)
        Retrieve a named partition from this blackboard. The partition has to exist on the blackboard
        id - ID of the partition to retrieve
        The requested partition
      • addPartition

        void addPartition​(String id,
                          T newPartition)
        Add a new partition to this blackboard. The partition is required to not exist before.
        id - The ID of the partition to add
        newPartition - The partition to add
      • hasPartition

        boolean hasPartition​(String id)
        Query the blackboard for a named partition.
        id - The ID of the named partition
        true if the partition exists on the blackboard
      • removePartition

        void removePartition​(String id)
        Remove a named partition from the blackboard.
        id - ID of the partition to removeS
      • getPartitionIds

        Set<String> getPartitionIds()
        Get the set of partitions currently present on this blackboard.
        the set of partition ids.