All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
About |
AbstractArchive |
AbstractGenericOperator<O extends Operator<?>,Q extends Operator<?>> |
AbstractGenericOperator.ClassComparator |
Comparator for a specific order: Superclasses always are sorted after
AbstractGenericOperator.OperatorClassPredicate |
AbstractGenericOperator.OperatorHolder<P> |
AbstractGenericOperator.OperatorPredicate |
AbstractGenericOperator.OperatorVoidPredicate |
AbstractIndividualFactory<I extends Individual> |
AbstractLogger |
The AbstractLogger triggers its refinement on specific events
dependent on the iteration and evaluation count.
AbstractOptimizer |
Acceleration |
This interface represents the rate of change of velocity with respect to
AdaptiveGridArchive |
AdaptiveGridArchive.Cell |
AdaptiveMutationRate |
Self adaptive MutationRate that uses the size of the genotype (
size ) to estimate a rate.
Add |
AddConverter |
This class represents a converter adding a constant offset
(approximated as a double ) to numeric values.
Algebra<G extends Genotype> |
AlgebraDouble |
AlgebraGenericImplementation |
AlternateUnit<Q extends Quantity> |
This class represents the units used in expressions to distinguish
between quantities of a different nature but of the same dimensions.
AlternativeNsga2 |
Altitude |
This class represents the Mean-Sea-Level vertical
altitude (MSL).
Amount<Q extends Quantity> |
This class represents a determinate or estimated amount for which
operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
can be performed (it implements the Field interface).
AmountException |
Signals that an illegal measure operation has been performed.
AmountFormat |
This class provides the interface for formatting and parsing measures instances.
AmountOfSubstance |
This interface represents the number of elementary entities (molecules, for
example) of a substance.
Angle |
This interface represents the figure formed by two lines diverging from a
common point.
AngularAcceleration |
This interface represents the rate of change of angular velocity with respect
to time.
AngularVelocity |
This interface represents the rate of change of angular displacement
with respect to time.
ApplicationFrame |
Apply |
Archive |
ArchiveModule |
ArchiveModule.Type |
Archive type.
ArchiveWidget |
A widget that monitors the archive.
Area |
This interface represents the extent of a planar region or of the surface of
a solid measured in square units.
AutoZoomButton |
BaseUnit<Q extends Quantity> |
This class represents the building blocks on top of which all others
units are created.
BasicCrossoverModule |
BasicCrossoverModule.BooleanType |
BasicCrossoverModule.DoubleType |
BasicCrossoverModule.IntegerType |
BasicCrossoverModule.PermutationType |
BasicDiversityModule |
BasicDiversityModule.BooleanType |
BasicDiversityModule.DoubleType |
BasicMatingModule |
BasicMatingModule.CouplerType |
BasicMutateModule |
BasicMutateModule.DoubleType |
BasicMutateModule.MutationRateType |
The type of the used mutation rate.
BasicMutateModule.PermutationType |
BasicNeighborModule |
BasicNeighborModule.PermutationType |
BooleanGenotype |
BooleanMapGenotype<K> |
BooleanRequirement |
Bootstrap |
The Bootstrap is used to start the optimization process.
BoundedArchive |
Bounds<E extends Number> |
The Bounds define bounds for Genotype objects
that consist of lists of numbers.
CatalyticActivity |
This interface represents a catalytic activity.
Category |
The Category annotation marks a class as a category.
ClassPath |
The ClassPath is also known as the ClassPathHacker and
enables adding new files to the classpath.
Complex |
This class represents an immutable complex number.
ComplexMatrix |
This class represents an optimized matrix implementation
for complex numbers.
ComplexVector |
This class represents an optimized vector implementation
for complex numbers elements.
CompositeGenotype<K,V extends Genotype> |
CompoundCoordinates<C1 extends Coordinates<?>,C2 extends Coordinates<?>> |
This class represents a coordinates made up by combining
two coordinates objects together.
CompoundCRS<C1 extends Coordinates<?>,C2 extends Coordinates<?>> |
This class represents a coordinate reference system combining two or more
distinct reference systems.
CompoundUnit<Q extends Quantity> |
This class represents the multi-radix units (such as "hour:min:sec").
Configurator |
Constant<R extends Ring<R>> |
This class represents a constant function (polynomial of degree 0).
Constant |
The Constant is an annotation for injected constant values.
ConstantCrossoverRate |
ConstantMutationRate |
Constant mutation rate.
Constants |
This class provides most accurate physical constants measurement;
the more accurate the constants, the higher the precision
of the calculations making use of these constants.
Constraint |
The Constraint is the identifier for a single constraint in the
Constraints .
Constraint.Direction |
Defines the possible directions a constraint can be defined.
ConstraintChecker |
Interface for constraint checks of Objectives .
ConstraintCheckerImpl |
ConstraintCheckerImpl calculates constraint violations of
infeasibility constraints.
ConstraintDomination |
This class implements DominationStrategy .
ConstraintDominationModule |
Constraint Domination Module.
ConstraintDominationModule.Strategy |
Constraints |
The Constraints contains the Constraint -Values pairs of
an Individual .
ContentPanel |
Control |
The Control allows to pause, stop, and terminate, the optimization
Control.State |
ControlButtons |
ControlListener |
ControlToolBarService |
ConvergencePlotWidget |
ConversionException |
Signals that a problem of some sort has occurred either when creating a
converter between two units or during the conversion itself.
CoolingSchedule |
CoolingScheduleDefault |
CoolingScheduleExponential |
CoolingScheduleHyperbolic |
CoolingScheduleLinear |
CoolingScheduleModule |
CoolingSchedulesModule |
CoolingSchedulesModule.Type |
CoordinateReferenceSystem<C extends Coordinates<?>> |
This class represents an arbitrary system of reference for which
coordinates of same significance can be stated.
CoordinateReferenceSystem.AbsolutePosition |
This class represents an absolute position (can be be extended)
Coordinates<R extends CoordinateReferenceSystem<?>> |
This class designates the position that a point occupies in a given
n-dimensional reference frame or system.
CoordinatesConverter<S extends Coordinates<?>,T extends Coordinates<?>> |
This interface represents a converter between coordinates .
CoordinateSystemAxis |
Definition of a coordinate system axis.
Copy<G extends Genotype> |
Operator that creates copies of a Genotype .
CopyGenericImplementation |
Implementation of the Copy interface.
CopyList |
CopyModule |
Coupler |
The Coupler determines couples that are used to create the offspring
for a given set of possible parents.
CouplerDefault |
The CouplerDefault uses the pairs based on their index in the list:
p0+p1,p2+p3,etc. .
CouplerRandom |
The CouplerRandom uses the set of parents and creates couples
randomly from this set.
CouplerUnique |
The CouplerUnique uses the set of parents and creates couples
randomly from this set.
Creator<G extends Genotype> |
Criterion |
Superclass for criteria handled in a CriterionSet .
CriterionSet<T extends Criterion> |
Superclass for Criterion -Values pairs.
Crossover<G extends Genotype> |
Crossover operator that performs a crossover for two parents.
CrossoverBoolean |
CrossoverBooleanDefault |
CrossoverBooleanRate |
CrossoverBooleanXPoint |
CrossoverDouble |
CrossoverDoubleBLX |
The CrossoverDoubleBLX is an implementation of the blend crossover
operator proposed by Eshelman and Schaffer, 1993.
CrossoverDoubleDefault |
CrossoverDoubleElementwise |
CrossoverDoubleSBX |
The CrossoverDoubleSBX is an implementation of the simulated binary
crossover operator proposed by Deb and Kumar, 1995.
CrossoverDoubleSBX.Nu |
CrossoverDoubleUnfairAverage |
CrossoverGenericImplementation |
CrossoverInteger |
CrossoverIntegerDefault |
CrossoverIntegerRate |
CrossoverIntegerXPoint |
CrossoverListRate<G extends ListGenotype<?>> |
CrossoverListXPoint<G extends ListGenotype<?>> |
CrossoverModule |
CrossoverPermutation |
CrossoverPermutationBucket |
CrossoverPermutationDefault |
CrossoverPermutationOnePoint |
CrossoverRate |
The CrossoverRate is an interface for the crossover rate which is the
probability of two individuals undergoing crossover.
Crowding |
CrowdingArchive |
Currency |
This class represents a currency Unit .
DataAmount |
This interface represents a measure of data amount.
DataRate |
This interface represents the speed of data-transmission.
DecimalMeasure<Q extends Quantity> |
This class represents a measure whose value is an arbitrary-precision
decimal number.
Decoder<G extends Genotype,P extends Phenotype> |
DefaultAbout |
DefaultApplicationFrame |
DefaultArchive |
DefaultContentPanel |
DefaultIndividualFactory |
DefaultModulesPanel |
DefaultModulesPanel.MyTree |
DefaultModulesPanel.TreeCellRenderer |
DefaultSelectedPanel |
DefaultSelectedPanel.MyScrollPane |
DefaultTasksPanel |
DelayTask |
The DelayTask executes tasks immediately or delayed if they arrive
too close (delay).
DenseMatrix<F extends Field<F>> |
DenseVector<F extends Field<F>> |
This class represents a dense vector.
DerivedUnit<Q extends Quantity> |
This class identifies the units created by combining or transforming
other units.
DifferentialEvolution |
DifferentialEvolution.Triple |
DifferentialEvolutionModule |
Dimension |
This class represents the dimension of an unit.
Dimension.Model |
DimensionException |
Signals that an operation is performed upon vectors or matrices whose
dimensions disagree.
Dimensionless |
This interface represents a dimensionless quantity.
DiscreteFunction<X,Y> |
This class represents a function defined from a mapping betweem
two sets (points and values).
Div |
The Div divides two terms.
Diversity<G extends Genotype> |
DiversityBoolean |
DiversityBooleanFraction |
DiversityDouble |
DiversityDoubleAbsolute |
DiversityDoubleEuclidean |
DiversityGenericImplementation |
DiversityInteger |
DiversityIntegerEuclidean |
DiversityModule |
DiversityPermutation |
DominationStrategy |
This is the interface for a domination strategy.
DoubleBounds |
DoubleGenotype |
DoubleMapGenotype<K> |
DoubleValue |
Duration |
This interface represents a period of existence or persistence.
DynamicViscosity |
This interface represents the dynamic viscosity.
ElectricCapacitance |
This interface represents an electric capacitance.
ElectricCharge |
This interface represents an electric charge.
ElectricConductance |
This interface represents an electric conductance.
ElectricCurrent |
This interface represents the amount of electric charge flowing past
a specified circuit point per unit time.
ElectricInductance |
This interface represents an electric inductance.
ElectricPotential |
This interface represents an electric potential or electromotive force.
ElectricResistance |
This interface represents an electric resistance.
ElitismSelector |
ElitismSelectorModule |
Energy |
This interface represents the capacity of a physical system to do work.
EnumRequirement |
Evaluator<P extends Phenotype> |
EvolutionaryAlgorithm |
EvolutionaryAlgorithmModule |
EvolutionaryAlgorithmModule.CrossoverRateType |
ExecutionEnvironment |
Field<F> |
This interface represents an algebraic structure in which the operations of
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (except division by zero)
may be performed.
File |
The File annotation marks a String property as a file such
that the String can be changed by a browser.
FileChooser |
FileOperations |
FileOperations.FileOperationsListener |
Float64 |
This class represents a 64 bits floating point number.
Float64Matrix |
Float64Vector |
This class represents an optimized vector implementation
for 64 bits floating point elements.
FloatingPoint |
This class represents a floating point number of arbitrary precision.
Force |
This interface represents a quantity that tends to produce an acceleration
of a body in the direction of its application.
Format |
The Format contains several format rules.
Frequency |
This interface represents the number of times a specified phenomenon occurs
within a specified interval.
FrontDensityIndicator |
The FrontDensityIndicator is an interface for the determination of
density values of a front of Individual s.
Function<X,Y> |
This abstract class represents a mapping between two sets such that
there is a unique element in the second set assigned to each element
in the first set.
FunctionException |
Thrown when a function operation cannot be performed.
GenericOperator<O extends Operator<?>> |
Genotype |
The Genotype represents a marker interface.
GeocentricCRS<C extends Coordinates<?>> |
This class represents a 3 dimensional spatial reference system.
GeographicCRS<C extends Coordinates<?>> |
This class represents a 2 dimensional surface reference system
based on an ellipsoidal approximation of a geoid.
GoalAttainmentDomination |
This class implements DominationStrategy .
GroupAdditive<G> |
This interface represents a structure with a binary additive
operation (+), satisfying the group axioms (associativity, neutral element,
inverse element and closure).
GroupMultiplicative<G> |
This interface represents a structure with a binary multiplicative
operation (·), satisfying the group axioms (associativity, neutral element,
inverse element and closure).
Height |
This class represents the vertical height above the
WGS84 ellipsoid.
HighEnergyModel |
This class represents the high-energy model.
Hypervolume |
Icon |
The Icon annotation assigns an icon to modules.
Icons |
Ignore |
The Ignore annotation can either be used for modules or properties
such that these are ignored in the
Configurator .
Illuminance |
This interface represents an illuminance.
IncompatibilityException |
Index |
Individual |
The Individual class forms a single solution for the given
optimization problem.
Individual.State |
IndividualCompleter |
IndividualCompleterModule |
IndividualCompleterModule.Type |
IndividualFactory |
IndividualMouseListener |
IndividualSet |
IndividualSetListener |
IndividualStateListener |
InfeasibilityConstraint |
A concrete constraint with the same attributes as the base class Constraint .
Info |
The Info annotation contains textual information about a module or
Integer64 |
This class represents a 64 bits integer number.
IntegerBounds |
IntegerGenotype |
IntegerMapGenotype<K> |
IntegerValue |
Interpolator<P,V> |
This interface represents an estimator of the values at a certain point
using surrounding points and values.
Interpolator.Linear<F extends Field<F>> |
This class represents a linear interpolator for field
instances (point and values from the same field).
Iteration |
The Iteration object is used as iteration counter for the
JNode |
Wrapper for Node elements.
JScience |
KinematicViscosity |
This interface represents the diffusion of momentum.
LargeInteger |
This class represents an immutable integer number of arbitrary size.
LatLong |
This class represents the geographic latitude/longitude
coordinates onto the WGS84 ellipsoid.
Length |
This interface represents the extent of something along its greatest
dimension or the extent of space between two objects or places.
ListGenotype<E> |
LogConverter |
This class represents a logarithmic converter.
Logger |
The Logger is a marker interface for logging classes.
LoggerModule |
Module for logging.
LUDecomposition<F extends Field<F>> |
This class represents the decomposition of a matrix
A into a product of a lower
and upper triangular matrices, L
and U respectively, such as A = P·L·U with
P a permutation matrix.
LuminousFlux |
This interface represents a luminous flux.
LuminousIntensity |
This interface represents the luminous flux density per solid angle as
measured in a given direction relative to the emitting source.
MagneticFlux |
This interface represents a magnetic flux.
MagneticFluxDensity |
This interface represents a magnetic flux density.
MapGenotype<K,V> |
Mass |
This interface represents the measure of the quantity of matter that a body
or an object contains.
MassFlowRate |
This interface represents the movement of mass per time.
Mating |
The Mating interface is used to create offspring from a given set of
MatingCrossoverMutate |
MatingModule |
Matrix<F extends Field<F>> |
This class represents a rectangular table of elements of a ring-like
algebraic structure.
MaxIterations |
Measurable<Q extends Quantity> |
This interface represents the measurable, countable, or comparable
property or aspect of a thing.
Measure<V,Q extends Quantity> |
This class represents the result of a measurement stated in a
known unit.
MeasureFormat |
This class provides the interface for formatting and parsing measures .
Menu |
ModuleAutoFinder |
ModuleAutoFinderListener |
ModuleList |
ModuleListUser |
ModuleLoader |
Helper class for loading PropertyModule configurations from files or
retrieving these from XML Node s.
ModuleRegister |
ModuleSaver |
ModulesPanel |
ModuleTransferable |
ModuloInteger |
This class represents a modulo integer.
Money |
This interface represents something generally accepted as a medium of
exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment.
The MOPSO is an implementation of a multi-objective particle swarm
MOPSOModule |
Mult |
The Mult term multiplies multiple Term s.
Multi |
The Multi annotation marks a Module .
MultiplyConverter |
This class represents a converter multiplying numeric values by a
constant scaling factor (approximated as a double ).
Mutate<G extends Genotype> |
MutateBoolean |
MutateDouble |
MutateDoubleDefault |
MutateDoubleElementwise |
MutateDoubleGauss |
MutateDoubleNonUniform |
MutateDoublePolynomial |
MutateDoubleUniform |
MutateGenericImplementation |
Implementation of the Mutate interface.
MutateInteger |
MutateIntegerRandom |
MutateModule |
MutatePermutation |
MutatePermutationInsert |
MutatePermutationMixed |
MutatePermutationRevert |
MutatePermutationSwap |
MutationRate |
Name |
The Name annotation assigns a user defined name to a module or
NaturalModel |
This class represents the natural model.
Neighbor<G extends Genotype> |
The Neighbor operator as it is used for Simulated Annealing.
NeighborBoolean |
NeighborDouble |
NeighborGenericImplementation |
Implementation of the Neighbor interface.
NeighborInteger |
NeighborIntegerRandom |
NeighborModule |
NeighborPermutation |
NeighborPermutationInsert |
NeighborPermutationMixed |
NeighborPermutationRevert |
NeighborPermutationSwap |
NonSI |
This class contains units that are not part of the International
System of Units, that is, they are outside the SI, but are important
and widely used.
Normalize<G extends Genotype> |
NormalizeDouble |
NormalizeDoubleBorder |
NormalizeDoubleElementwise |
NormalizeDoubleMirror |
NormalizeDoubleWrap |
Normalizer |
NormalizerModule |
Nsga2 |
Nsga2Module |
Number<T extends Number<T>> |
This class represents a value-type
Objective |
Objective.Sign |
The sign of the objective.
Objectives |
ObjectivesMonitor |
ObjectivesMonitor.ObjectivesListener |
Operator<G extends Genotype> |
The Operator is the basic interface for all operators.
OperatorModule<P extends Operator> |
Opt4J |
The Opt4J configuration GUI.
Opt4JAbout |
Opt4JModule |
Opt4JStarter |
The Opt4JStarter starts configuration files directly without the
configurator (GUI).
Opt4JTask |
The Opt4JTask executes one optimization process.
Opt4JTasksPanel |
Optimizer |
This Optimizer interface has to be implemented by all
population-based optimizers.
OptimizerIterationListener |
OptimizerModule |
Abstract module class for the Optimizer modules.
OptimizerStateListener |
Order |
The Order annotation assigns a user defined order to properties of a
Pair<A> |
The Pair groups two objects of the same type in a given order.
Panel |
The Panel annotation allows the definition of a custom panel for a
ParallelIndividualCompleter |
Parameters |
The Parameters is a class for the identification of types/classes of
a generic parameter.
Parent |
The Parent annotation assigns a module an explicit parent category.
ParetoDomination |
The DominationStrategy Pareto-Domination.
ParetoPlotWidget |
Particle |
ParticleFactory |
PermutationGenotype<E> |
Phenotype |
PhenotypeWrapper<O> |
The PhenotypeWrapper might be used if the phenotype class of a given
problem is already defined and cannot be extended with the Phenotype
marker interface.
PhysicalModel |
This abstract class represents a physical model.
Polynomial<R extends Ring<R>> |
This class represents a mathematical expression involving a sum of powers
in one or more variables multiplied by
coefficients (such as x² + x·y + 3y² ).
Population |
PopulationArchive |
PopulationWidget |
Pow |
The Pow performs an exponentiation of two Term s.
Power |
This interface represents the rate at which work is done.
Pressure |
This interface represents a force applied uniformly over a surface.
ProblemModule |
ProductUnit<Q extends Quantity> |
This class represents units formed by the product of rational powers of
existing units.
Progress |
The Progress offers some methods for the measurement of the progress
of an Optimizer .
ProjectedCRS<C extends Coordinates<?>> |
This class represents a 2-dimensional projected reference system.
Property |
PropertyModule |
The PropertyModule is a decorator for a Module that enables
property methods.
PropertyPanel |
The PropertyPanel is a panel for the configuration of one module.
Quantity |
This interface represents any type of quantitative properties or
attributes of thing.
QuantumModel |
This class represents the quantum model.
RadiationDoseAbsorbed |
This interface represents the amount of energy deposited per unit of
RadiationDoseEffective |
This interface represents the effective (or "equivalent") dose of radiation
received by a human or some other living organism.
RadioactiveActivity |
This interface represents a radioactive activity.
Rand |
The Rand class is an abstract class that is utilized as an interface
for random classes.
RandomDefault |
RandomJava |
RandomMersenneTwister |
The RandomMersenneTwister uses an implementation of the mersenne
twister random number generator written by David Beaumont .
RandomModule |
The RandomModule is used to configure the used random number
RandomModule.RandType |
RandomSearch |
RandomSearchModule |
Range |
representing a range of values [min, max]
Rational |
This class represents the ratio of two LargeInteger numbers.
RationalConverter |
This class represents a converter multiplying numeric values by an
exact scaling factor (represented as the quotient of two
long numbers).
RationalFunction<F extends Field<F>> |
This class represents the quotient of two Polynomial ,
it is also a field (invertible).
Real |
This class represents a real number of arbitrary precision with
known/guaranteed uncertainty.
ReferenceEllipsoid |
The ReferenceEllipsoid class defines a geodetic reference ellipsoid
used as a standard for geodetic measurements.
RelativisticModel |
This class represents the relativistic model.
Required |
The Required annotation defines dependencies between the properties.
Requirement |
Ring<R> |
This interface represents an algebraic structure with two binary operations
addition and multiplication (+ and ·), such that (R, +) is an abelian group,
(R, ·) is a monoid and the multiplication distributes over the addition.
SatisfactionConstraint |
A concrete constraint with the same attributes as the base class Constraint
and an additional attribute specifying the objective it refers to.
ScalingNsga2 |
Latest version of NSGA-II with the dimensions scaled on the basis of the
individual ranges when calculating the crowding distance as described in
ScalingNsga2Module |
SelectedModules |
SelectedPanel |
SelectGenotype<V> |
The SelectGenotype selects for each index an element from the given
SelectMapGenotype<K,V> |
SelectMapGenotype.SelectBounds<O,P> |
Selector |
The interface Selector is used to select a certain subset of
Individual s from a Population by respecting certain metrics
like their fitness.
SelectorDefault |
The default selector is the Nsga2 selector with the
tournament value 0.
SelectorModule |
SequentialIndividualCompleter |
SetListener |
SI |
This class contains SI (Système International d'Unités) base units,
and derived units.
SimulatedAnnealing |
SimulatedAnnealingModule |
SMSModule |
SolidAngle |
This interface represents the angle formed by three or more planes intersecting
at a common point.
SparseMatrix<F extends Field<F>> |
SparseVector<F extends Field<F>> |
This class represents a sparse vector.
Spea2 |
Spea2Module |
StandardModel |
This class represents the standard model.
Starter |
The Starter executes configuration files.
Startupable |
StatusBar |
The StatusBar contains informations about the optimization progress
and time per iteration.
StopException |
Structure<T> |
This interface represents a mathematical structure on a set (type).
Sub |
SystemOfUnits |
This class represents a system of units, it groups units together
for historical or cultural reasons.
Task |
The Task is an abstract class for optimization tasks.
Task.State |
TaskListener |
TasksPanel |
TaskStateListener |
Temperature |
This class represents the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or
an environment.
TemporalCRS<C extends Coordinates<?>> |
This class represents a 1 dimensional temporal reference system.
Term |
This class represents the term of a polynomial
such as x·y² .
Term |
TerminationException |
Time |
This class represents the temporal UTC time coordinates.
ToolBar |
ToolBar |
ToolBarOrder |
ToolBarService |
The ToolBarService is an interface for arbitrary components that are
added to the tool bar in the viewer.
Torque |
This interface represents the moment of a force.
TransformedUnit<Q extends Quantity> |
This class represents the units derived from other units using
converters .
TsvLogger |
UnboundedArchive |
Unit<Q extends Quantity> |
This class represents a determinate quantity (as of length, time, heat, or value) adopted as a standard
of measurement.
UnitConverter |
This class represents a converter of numeric values.
UnitFormat |
This class provides the interface for formatting and parsing units .
UnitFormat.ASCIIFormat |
This class represents the ASCIIFormat format.
UnitFormat.DefaultFormat |
This class represents the standard format.
This class represents the projected
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates onto the WGS84 ellipsoid.
Value<V> |
Var |
The Var returns a double value.
Variable<X> |
This interface represents a symbol on whose value a Function
Variable.Global<X> |
This class represents a simple Variable implementation with
context-local values.
Variable.Local<X> |
This class represents a simple Variable implementation for
functions not shared between threads (non static).
Vector<F extends Field<F>> |
This class represents an immutable element of a vector space.
VectorMeasure<Q extends Quantity> |
This class represents a measurement vector of two or more dimensions.
VectorSpace<V,F extends Field> |
This interface represents a vector space over a field with two operations,
vector addition and scalar multiplication.
VectorSpaceNormed<V,F extends Field> |
This interface represents a vector space on which a positive vector length
or size is defined.
Velocity |
This interface represents a distance traveled divided by the time of travel.
VelocityTerm |
VerticalCRS<C extends Coordinates<?>> |
This class represents a 1 dimensional vertical reference system.
Viewer |
Viewer.CloseEvent |
ViewerModule |
The ViewerModule configures the optimization process viewer.
Viewport |
ViewsToolBarService |
VisualizationModule |
Volume |
This interface represents the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional
object or region of space, expressed in cubic units.
VolumetricDensity |
This interface represents a mass per unit volume of a substance under
specified conditions of pressure and temperature.
VolumetricFlowRate |
This interface represents the volume of fluid passing a point in a system
per unit of time.
Widget |
WidgetParameters |
This class represents the geocentric Earth-Centered,
Earth-Fixed (ECEF) cartesian coordinates used in GPS/GLONASS.