All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Class Description AbstractUserHelpDocumentationProvider ActiveEditorTracker Get the last active editor in general or of a specific type.AdjustIdentityAnchorCommand Recalculates theIdentityAnchor
s to recalculate connection anchors when a node is resized Parts are copied from Sirius ShiftEdgeIdentityAnchorOperationCloningBasedFakeContextResourcesProvider AnIXtextFakeContextResourcesProvider
that populates the fakeResourceSet
with 'clones' of the passed in context resources.CompletionProposalAdapter This is a stripped copy fromContentProposalAdapter
that delegates the popup to aCompletionProposal
managed by aIContentAssistant
.CrossRefObjectTextHover Initially copied fromDispatchingEObjectTextHover
.DefaultStylesheetProvider DirectEditManagerEx Full copy of DirectEditManager, changed visibility of BORDER_FRAME and getCellEditorFrame to protected TODO: Delete me when is fixedDirtyStateAwareDiagramDocumentEditor DirtyStateListener Some content of this class is initially copied from org.eclipse.xtext.gmf.glue.concurrency.EditingDomainAdapter and adopted to work onXMIResource
sDoubleClickDirectEditDragTracker Delegates the double click event to a callback, used for creating direct edit requests on double clickDoubleClickDirectEditDragTracker.IDoubleClickCallback DummyDocument EdgeLabelLocator SpecificLabelLocator
for edge labels to reflect the real label location during the feedback.EdgeLabelQuery Utility class used to compute the position of a label according to its edge move (old points and new points list).ExternalXtextLabelEditPart Abstract base implementation for all externalLabelEditPart
that use Xtext for direct editing.FilteringMenuManager Copied from DiagramContextMenuProviderHelpHoverProvider Removes the first line, since the documentation already contains a header.HelpHoverProvider.OpenInHelpAction ICompletionProposalListener This interface is used to listen to additional notifications from aCompletionProposalAdapter
.IEAttributeProvider InitialPointsOfRequestDataManager This manager is used to store the initial points of an edge before the feedback is used.IStylesheetProvider IXtextAwareEditPart Implemented by EditParts, which contain text that should be edited via Xtext.IXtextFakeContextResourcesProvider JFaceUtilsActivator ParallelReadXtextDocument SetLabelsOffsetCommand This class allows to update edge label Node position.SetLabelsOffsetOperation Operation concerning the label offset.StyledLabel StyledTextCellEditor This is a complete copy ofTextCellEditor
.StyledTextXtextAdapter StyledTextXtextAdapter.ChangeSelectionProviderOnFocusGain StyleRanges SyntaxColoringLabel SyntaxColoringLabel.StyledTextFlow XMIDirtyResource This class is initially copied from org.eclipse.xtext.gmf.glue.concurrency.SimpleDirtyResource and adopted to work onXMIResource
s instead ofXtextResource
sXtextDirectEditManager Full copy of the TextDirectEditManager for a StyledTextXtextFakeResourceContext Context used byXtextStyledTextAdapter
to handle the required underlying (fake) resources.XtextLabelEditPart Abstract base implementation for all Labels that that use Xtext for direct editing.XtextSourceViewerEx Source viewer replacement that implements a workaround for Eclipse bug #352847 to enable that offsets are respected.XtextStyledTextCellEditor This class integrates Xtext features into aCellEditor
and can be used e.g.XtextStyledTextCellEditorEx This is a copy of TextCellEditorEx, only the super class has been changed toXtextStyledTextCellEditor