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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description Activator The activator class controls the plug-in life cycleAdditionalMeasuringpointContentProvider A content provider for the second step of the measuringpoint creation wizard pagesAdditionalMeasuringpointLabelProvider A label provider for the second step of the measuringpoint creation wizard pagesAdditionalModelsToMeasuringpointWizardPage This is the wizard page for the second step of the creation of a measuring point.AlternativeMeasuringPointChildrenSwitch This is a switch to get all children of the alternative (hierarchical) measuringpoint viewAlternativeMeasuringPointContentProvider An alternative content provider for a hierarchical view of the measuringpointsAlternativeMeasuringPointLabelProvider An alternative label provider for the first step of the measuringpoint creation wizard pagesAvailableConfigurator AvailableEmfParsleyGuiceModule AvailableExecutableExtensionFactory AvailableFeatureCaptionProvider AvailableFeaturesProvider AvailableInjectorProvider AvailableMetricDescriptionSelectionViewer Generates a table view where all MeasurementSpecifications of a monitor are shownAvailableResourceManager ChooseMeasuringPointMessageSwitch ChooseMeasuringpointWizardPage This is the wizard page for the first step of the creation of a measuring point.ComponentViewer Abstract component class to connect a parsley view to an eclipse 4 pluginCreateMeasuringPointSwitch The switch for the MeasuringPointSelectionWizardModel, which takes care of the creation of the correct measuringpointCustomContentProvider This class is a custom version of the Content provider for a parsley view.DataApplication This class manages the current project and monitorRepository of the workspace which are selected and provides access to all necessary data from this project.DataEditor The DataEditor class provides the basic functions for working with Resources that already have an editing domain, meaning they can only be modified through EMF Commands.EmptymeasuringpointsActivator The activator class controls the plug-in life cycleEmptymeasuringpointsEmfParsleyGuiceModule emptymeasuringpoints EMF Parsley Dsl Module fileEmptymeasuringpointsExecutableExtensionFactory EmptymeasuringpointsInjectorProvider EmptymeasuringpointsLabelProvider EmptymeasuringpointsMenuBuilder EmptymeasuringpointsSaveableTreeView Parsley tree view which contains all empty measuringpoints of a palladio project.EmptyMeasuringPointsTreeViewer Generates a tree view where all empty measuring points from all measuringpoint repositories in the workspace are shown.EvaluateExtensions This class is used to evaluate our Extensionpoint measuringPointMetricsWorkingCombinations.ExistingMeasuringpointContentProvider content provider for existing measuring pointsExistingMeasuringpointLabelProvider label provider for the first wizard page of the measuringpoint creation processFinalMeasuringpointContentProvider A content provider for the third step of the measuringpoint creation wizard pagesFinalModelsToMeasuringpointWizardPage This is the wizard page for the third and final step of the creation of a wizard page.ImageProviderSwitch MeasurementsDashboardView Eclipse e4 view which gives the user an overview of all existing Monitors and MeasuringPoints in a selected MonitorRepository.MeasurementsFilter Viewer Filter which filters all elements of a TreeViewer given a search text.MeasurementsSwitch<T> An adapted version of a switch class.MeasurementsTreeViewer Creates a eclipse.swt TreeView based on a parsley TreeView project.MeasurementsWizard This class handles the wizard and its wizard pages for creating a new measuring point/monitor.MeasurementTreeDoubleClickListener DoubleClickListener which captures double clicks on the symbol of a tree itemMeasuringPointDragListener DragListener which specifies what happens if a MeasuringPoint in a viewer is dragged.MeasuringpointDropListener DropListener which specifies what happens if a MeasuringPoint is dropped into a container.MeasuringPointMetricsCombinations This class is used to manage the working combinations of Measuring Points and Metric Descriptions.MeasuringPointModelElementProvider Provider for all model elements which are needed in the measuring point wizard pagesMeasuringPointsContentProvider MeasuringPointSelectionWizardModel MeasuringPointsLabelProvider label provider for the first wizard page of the measuringpoint creation processMetricDescriptionSelectionCheckboxCellModifier This handles the checkbox action for the self adapting column in the 3rd wizard page (measurement selection).MetricDescriptionSelectionWizardModel Provides all methods to edit the MeasurementSpecifications of a monitor in the wizardMetricDescriptionSelectionWizardPage This class handles the GUI part of the third wizard page for selecting measurements.ModelAccessor Class for accessing all Palladio models of a Modelling Project (.aird file available) Offers access to each model.MonitorCreationProvider Provides methods for the MonitorCreationWizardPage, the first page of the wizard.MonitorCreationWizardModel This class provides provides all necessary data for the first Wizard page, to create or Edit a Monitor.MonitorCreationWizardPage This class handles the first wizard page for creating a new monitor.MonitorRepositoryActivator The activator class controls the plug-in life cycleMonitorRepositorySaveableTreeFormView Parsley view which shows all monitors and their respective childs and measuringpoints in a tree viewMonitorrepositoryviewEmfParsleyGuiceModule mpview EMF Parsley Dsl Module fileMonitorrepositoryviewExecutableExtensionFactory MonitorrepositoryviewInjectorProvider MonitorrepositoryviewLabelProvider MonitorrepositoryviewMenuBuilder MonitorrepositoryviewViewerContentProvider MonitorTreeViewer Generates a tree view where all monitors from a selected monitorrepository in the workspace are shown.ProcessingtypeActivator The activator class controls the plug-in life cycleProcessingtypeConfigurator ProcessingTypeDropDownEditingSupport This class enables editing support for the 2nd column on the 4th wizard page (for ProcessingTypes).ProcessingtypeEmfParsleyGuiceModule org.palladiosimulator.measurementsui.measurementspecification EMF Parsley Dsl Module fileProcessingtypeExecutableExtensionFactory ProcessingtypeFeaturesProvider ProcessingtypeInjectorProvider ProcessingTypePropertyEditingSupport This class enables editing support for the ProcessingType property columns on the 4th wizard page (for specification of measurements).ProcessingTypeProvider Provides the required methods to show and modify data in the 4th page.ProcessingtypeResourceManager ProcessingtypeSaveableTableView ProcessingTypeSelectionEditingSupport This class models the editing support for the columns on the 4th wizard page (for specification of selected measurements).ProcessingTypeSelectionLabelProvider This class handles the correct display of labels in the table of the 4th wizard page which is for measurement specification.ProcessingTypeSelectionViewer Generates a table view where all selected metrics from the 3rd wizard page are shown and where further properties can be specified.ProcessingTypeSelectionWizardModel Provides all necessary methods for the fourth wizard page.ProcessingTypeSelectionWizardPage This class handles the GUI part of the fourth wizard page for measurement specification.PropertiespageActivator The activator class controls the plug-in life cyclePropertiespageEmfParsleyGuiceModule PropertiespageExecutableExtensionFactory PropertiespageInjectorProvider PropertiespageOnSelectionFormView Parsleyview to show properties of a selected eobject in a form.RedoHandler Handler to support redo functionalityRefreshHandler Handler to support refresh functionalityRepositoryCreator This class can be used to create monitor- and measuringPointRepositories in a given project.ResourceEditor Interface for editing Resources throughDataEditor
.ResourceEditorImpl Class for editing resources without use of parsleySaveableComponentViewer A common saveable view based on a parsley view.SelectAvailableMetricDescriptionsActivator The activator class controls the plug-in life cycleSelectAvailableMetricDescriptionsTableView SelectedConfigurator SelectedEmfParsleyGuiceModule org.palladiosimulator.measurementsui.selectmetricdescriptions.selected EMF Parsley Dsl Module fileSelectedExecutableExtensionFactory SelectedFeatureCaptionProvider SelectedFeaturesProvider SelectedInjectorProvider SelectedMetricDescriptionsActivator The activator class controls the plug-in life cycleSelectedMetricDescriptionSelectionViewer SelectedMetricDescriptionsTableView ServiceLevelObjectiveCreationPage Wizard page for the creation of service level objectives.ServiceLevelObjectiveMeasurementSelectionPage Wizard page for editing the measurement specification of a Service Level ObjectiveServiceLevelObjectiveThresholdPage Wizard page for creating and editing the thresholds of a Service Level ObjectiveServicelevelobjectiveviewActivator The activator class controls the plug-in life cycleServicelevelobjectiveviewEmfParsleyGuiceModule org.palladiosimulator.measurementsui.servicelevelobjectiveview EMF Parsley Dsl Module fileServicelevelobjectiveviewExecutableExtensionFactory ServicelevelobjectiveviewInjectorProvider ServicelevelobjectiveviewOnSelectionTreeView ServiceLevelObjectiveWizard This is the wizard for the service level objective creation.SloCreationWizardModel WizardModel for the creating and editing a Service Level Objective.SloEditor Used for editing and creating Service Level Objective Objects by calling methods from the ResourceEditor and the SLO-AddOn implementation.SloMeasurementSpecSelectionWizardModel WizardModel for the selecting a measurement specification for a Service Level ObjectiveSloProvider Provides and saves temporary Service Level Objective data.SloThresholdWizardModel WizardModel for the creating and editing thresholds for service level objectivesSloThresholdWizardModel.fuzzyThresholdType SloTreeViewer SloWizardModelManager This class manages the additional Service Level Objective WizardModels used in the SloWizard.SloWizardModelType Allocates a WizardModel to one of the four wizard pagesStandardSetCreationProvider Provides the methods for creating the standard set depending on the resources in the project.StandardSetCreationSelectionWizardPage Wizard page for the creation of standard sets.StandardSetMeasuringPointSelectionWizardPage Wizard page for the creation of standard sets.StandardSetWizard This is the wizard for the standard set creation.TextProviderSwitch UndoHandler Handler to support undo functionalityUnselectedMetricSpecificationsProvider This class creates and manages the Monitors used for the 3rd Wizard PageValidProjectAccessor Used to get valid projects from the workspace.WizardModel WizardModelManager This class manages all WizardModels used in the wizardWizardModelSlo WizardModelType Allocates a WizardModel to one of the four wizard pagesWizardTableViewer Generates a Eclipse SWT TableViewer based on a TableViewer generated by Eclipse ParsleyWorkspaceListener This class implements the IResourceChangeListener to listen to changes in the workspace and update our GUI accordingly